Wi-Fi: a network to connect to the Internet

WiFi Logo

A valley that is always at the forefront and up-to-date: a free wireless connection to the Internet (Wi-Fi) is active in many places (hot spots) in the towns of the Primiero area.  

Our guests can browse the Internet with their laptop, iphone or ipad while comfortably seated in a park, square or bar in San Martino di Castrozza, Primiero and Vanoi.

Near the areas listed below, you just need to search for the wifi@trentino network with your laptop, iphone or ipad and then register on the Futur3/FreeLuna portal. In no time, the code required to activate the FreeLuna account will be sent by text message to your mobile phone and you will then be able to start using the Internet connection. If you don't have an italian mobile phone, you have to digit the prefix before your number.
You only need a single username to access the FreeLuna network from the various hotspots.

Listed below are all the free Trentino Network hotspots:

  • San Martino di Castrozza: Stazione Forestale (Forest Guard Station), Via Laghetto 16
  • San Martino di Castrozza: APT (Tourist Information Office), Via Passo Rolle 175
  • San Martino di Castrozza: Casa Cantoniera (Road Maintenance Station), Via Passo Rolle
  • San Martino di Castrozza: Trentino Trasporti Bus Depot, Via Pez Gaiart
  • Passo Rolle: Casa Cantoniera (Road Maintenance Station)
  • Fiera di Primiero: Town Hall, via Fiume 10
  • Transacqua: Town Hall, piazza Municipio 12
  • Tonadico: Trentino Trasporti Bus Depot , via Roma 71
  • Tonadico: Town Hall, Piazza Marzollo
  • Siror: Town Hall, Via Asilo 4
  • Mezzano: Town Hall, Via Roma 87
  • Imèr:  Town-Hall, piazzale dei Piazza 1
  • Passo Cereda: Casa Cantoniera (Road Maintenance Station), national road SS 247
  • Sagron Mis: Town Hall, Via Parrocchia 9
  • Sagron Mis: Fire Station of Mis, Via Gavada 8
  • Canal San Bovo: Town Hall, Via Roma 58
  • Canal San Bovo: School Complex, Loc. Lausen
  • Canal San Bovo: Casa della Cultura (Cultural Centre), Loc. Zortea