Loc. Val Canali - Prati Piereni, 38054phone: 0439.62791 fax: 0439.64792Contact us | Website
„Price from“ refers to the lowest price offered by the single apartment. The value is not binding. In case of a lowest and highest bed number (e.g. 2/4), the price refers to the lowest bed number.
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Number of bedrooms: 20Number of beds: 43
Chalet Piereni is an authentic mountain chalet, where you can eat and feel relaxed surrounded by the uncontaminated nature of Val Canali. At your disposal spacious and cosy rooms in alpine style, recently renovated: perfect nests for your rest. Every day in the restaurant you can taste traditional and local dishes, with natural and genuine ingredients at zero km. On request we prepare special menus to meet the needs of celiacs, vegans and vegetarians. We are in the natural park Paneveggio Pale di San Martino and in July and August we organize excursions with mountain guides, mountain bike tours, Nordic walking climbing etc...