Via Passo Rolle 74, 38054phone: 0439.68083 fax: 0439.768933Contact us | Website
„Price from“ refers to the lowest price offered by the single apartment. The value is not binding. In case of a lowest and highest bed number (e.g. 2/4), the price refers to the lowest bed number.
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Number of bedrooms: 20Number of beds: 40
In a very central, sunny and quiet position. Ideal starting point for your days in the mountains. The warm and welcoming atmosphere, the renowned panoramic restaurant, the large bar overlooking the village centre, our stube and the spacious sun terraces await you for moments of serenity and relaxation. Managed directly by the owners for several generations to guarantee your holiday. You will arrive as guests and leave as friends! Free Wi-Fi and laundry service. "Sauna under the stars" on request.