Pump Track

The Primiero Pump Track is a unique Pump Track, designed by Velosolutions. It is situated in Primiero San Martino di Castrozza (Siror) under the amazing landscape of the Pale di San Martino, in the heart of the Dolomites. The pump track boasts parabolic curves, humps and bowls, besides a skills park, where you can improve your abilities with the mountain bike. The Park is equipped with narrow boardwalks, tilting bridges, wall ride, leaps and more gears to improve the ride technique. The park can be used with all different types of bikes, including street bike, skateboard and scooter. What are you waiting for?

The 25th of August 2018 the Primiero Pump Track hosted the first Red Bull Pump Track World Championship stage in Italy!
After the great success had by the Primiero Pump Track area in the Siror village, during the spring-summer season 2023 also the San Martino Pump Track in San Martino di Castrozza will be completed. A new 800 m² big area in the center of the village, next to the sport centre.

The San Martino Pump Track was designed by the famous firm Velosolution and it is suitable for both experts and beginners, who can dare some tricks on humps and bowls with their bike, skateboard or scooter using just their body movement, instead of pedaling or pushing. 

The new San Martino Pump Track is free and it allows both adults and kids to reach the right stability and to learn how to move properly in order to be able to ride off-road in the wood of Primiero and Vanoi Valley.