The Youth Group, with its young volunteers aged between 18 and 30, has implemented numerous information and good practice activities in the area.

#EcologicadellaMontagna is a project born in 2019 thanks to the Youth Group of San Martino di Castrozza that aims, through digital communication and thematic events, to generate awareness on environmental issues, to increase respect for the territory and its protection both environmentally, economically and culturally.

The project is aimed at both the local population and the many tourists who choose San Martino di Castrozza and the Primiero and Vanoi valleys for their holidays every year.



Our forests and mountains are delicate ecosystems. To protect them, prefer water bottles to plastic bottles and remember to always carry a bag in your rucksack to store waste without abandoning it along the way. Nature will thank you for it! But what to do when you come across waste paper, masks and cans thrown on the ground by others? If you are sensitive to this issue and want to do something for the environment, pick up what you find while walking in the UNESCO World Heritage Dolomites and throw it into the Xchange Boxes.

The columns, made of wood by a local craftsman, have a recycled plexiglass window on the front through which you can see how much waste is unfortunately being thrown into nature.

The name Exchange Box recalls the idea of an exchange between man and nature (I hand in an abandoned waste and get a cleaner environment in return) and was designed to be accessible even to the youngest, so that even they can develop a green sensitivity from an early age.

One pillar is placed at the beginning of the path which from the Col meadows continues towards Malga Civertaghe; one at the crossroads of forest roads which lead to Malga Crel and Malga Valcigolera; one in the town centre, in front of the church. The young people of the village, promoters of the EcoLogica della Montagna project, will sort them correctly and, thanks to your precious help, give new life to the rubbish abandoned along the paths!



The issue of waste, which affects everyone everywhere, is also a challenge for the high mountains.

Today's sensitivity to waste management in the past was very different.

At high altitudes, when the workload was different, the types of waste were different and so was their quantity, real open-air dumps were created, filling holes and cavities with waste that was not exactly easy to take back down to the valley.

The awareness of our impact on the earth is making us realise that we need to radically change our approach.

However, this requires a change of mindset that needs time, good daily practices and taking responsibility. By nurturing a new way of life, the evidences that will identify us as human beings may no longer be those of waste.


1.    Pick up one piece of waste;

2.    Take a snapshot and post it on social media with #MoveTheWaste. We will create a visual collection of the waste accumulated over the years;

3.    Take it home or to the shelter so the waste can be returned to its ordinary management cycle;

4.    Enjoy the feeling of being a part of the change!

