Via Laghetto 35, 38054phone: 0439.768976 fax: 0439.768989Contact us | Website
„Price from“ refers to the lowest price offered by the single apartment. The value is not binding. In case of a lowest and highest bed number (e.g. 2/4), the price refers to the lowest bed number.
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Number of bedrooms: 30Number of beds: 64Located 400 m from the Ces-Tognola ski lifts and opposite the cross-country skiing track, just a few minutes' walk from the centre, Hotel Plank is in a splendid panoramic and peaceful position and is the ideal starting point for relaxing walks in the woods. Large garden where you can relax while enjoying the view of the Pale di San Martino and comfortable rooms. Private parking, garage, sauna and Turkish bath. New conference room.