Viale Piave 20, 38054phone: 0439.763040 fax: 0439.765910Contact us | Website
„Price from“ refers to the lowest price offered by the single apartment. The value is not binding. In case of a lowest and highest bed number (e.g. 2/4), the price refers to the lowest bed number.
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Number of bedrooms: 31Number of beds: 57
Tavernaro family will be happy to welcome you in its elegant Hotel Luis, prestigious Ville in Liberty style with a precious 20th century design.
Double rooms and Junior Suites equipped with every comfort, well-kept kitchen and Wellness Center of over 300 square meters where you can relax with chrome and aromatherapy, whirlpool, sauna, massages, beauty treatments and many other pampering. Large games room, indoor entertainment, garage and garden. Only adults hotel.